Quality Assurance: Love and Hate, can't live without it. We understand that behind every successful website there is a lot of testing to ensure its quality. Every testing process begins with a quality inspection plan, or test plan.
This short guide will explain what a QA plan is, who creates it, why it's important to develop a plan, and the steps to follow to develop a plan.
What is a Quality Assurance Program?
A quality inspection plan (or test plan) is a detailed document that includes the following components:
Website testing strategy
What is the test objective?
What resources are available – human, software and hardware tools?
What is the test schedule?
What is the estimate for the test?
What needs to be delivered before, during and after the entire testing process?
Who creates and maintains the test plan?
Once the test plan is set up, it's time to Latest Mailing Database decide who will create and maintain the documentation? The answer is simple – test plans are developed by QA teams directly involved in the testing process
Why is the test plan so important?
Before moving on to creating a test plan, let's understand why it's important to have a plan for your website.
It will determine the amount and kind of effort required to verify the quality of the test application.
It helps people who are not part of the QA team (management team, developers, or even clients) understand the purpose and methodology of the website testing process.
A test plan is like a rulebook – it sets out all the rules and procedures that the team needs to follow during the testing process.
Last but not least, the document contains important aspects such as test strategy, test coverage and estimates, which can be reviewed by the management team and reused in similar projects in the future. In this way, the test plan can support the establishment of stable processes and the accumulation of expertise.